Tuesday, 28 October 2014

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Angelings ARE Good people I can prove it.

Okayyy so what I said about Angelings before is rubbish!
I take it ALL back okay.
If you see my blog then stop hating on the Angelings.
Wanna know why I am an Angeling?
A hero caused this i'm not naming them though...
this girl who was a hero was really mean to me by private messages she kept saying things that where really not nice and then two lovely Angelings called vampress23 and hellomolly456
came messaging me saying things like ignore her and she's only saying stuff about herself and at that moment i realized that Angelings are nicer than heroes and they are the ones for me...
so please respect them and look at candired's blog and hollyrenee's blog & whitegoldwolfes blog Tysm!

Country<3333 (the new and improved! ;)


  1. they are definatly not kinder than alishak and gruby and adept and toni and roxy-1 and sinch =taylor swift213xxx

  2. they are you just ain't opened your eyes yet. your just sticking up for levels! I BET you £10000000 that if they were lvl 2 or not a high lvl you wouldn't give 2 hoots about them -.- ¬-¬
