Saturday, 1 November 2014

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Okay so I have an amazing Angeling friend called vampress23 thts her user on msp! she's so kind to me and I love her to peaces lol <3 ILY VAMPPPYYYYY

But this isn't just for vamp its also for the angelings who are getting allot of hate at the moment from another high lvl...


It's Alishak thts causing trouble and cats RULE everything.
Cats rule everything got me locked for a week for doing nothing ¬.¬!
And Alisha is spreading hate on walls INCLUDING MINE!
This isn't nice.Also Fran is epic is getting hate from YOU ISHA! SO STOP YOU LOT!

This is wht will happen to you if you carry on (y) ^^^


TYSM CANDI! FOR BOTH UNBLOCKING ME AND FOR DELETING YOUR BLOG POST ABOUT ME! Now lately you may have noticed candired on her blog posted a blog post about how I used to hate angelings and I said some mean things on her wall...Now if your out there and I said some stuff to you I am SO SO SO SORRY! I was stuppid  and didn't know wtf I was doing...Ima so sorry <3
 :) Thank you for reading!

Country <333333

P.s Locked for just over 4 days at this currant time </3


  1. heyy country great blogpost hope you do another one ♥☺☻

  2. Like I said, I also mailed MSP to lock you. Oh and your an Angeling -.- WHAT A SURPRISE! Does it really take the WHOLE Angeling 'family' to deal with Alisha? FAME SEEKING I reckon :)

  3. Angelings are one big family and we care about each other! unlyk some people around here -B to alisha your just another git that sticks up for her to the angelings we are each apart of a family tree and we care for every single one off us <3 But not ALISHA ;)

  4. Angelings are a group how care about each other they do not fight with each they stick with each other and care for everyone they do not care about there selves do they no they.Alisha is just a fame seeker and her "group" is calling Candi and Holly a fame seeker like wth.Us angelings do accutaly care for the others.And Alishas "group" DO NOT CARE FOR EACH OTHER THEY ALL WANT FAME

  5. Like to be higer than everyone else like omg why do u like fame its just a game u dont earn money in rl if u get fame do u no your "group" is pathetic to think that like omg why do u like fame we do not like fame we like each other but ur group do not like each other they just say stuff about the angelings like wth what do they want from us we done nothing to them.They come to our wall and spam it with nonsense like omg why? we never done nothing fgs! what hve we done to your group they make up nonsense like omg NONSESNE THEY MAKE UP ALISHA WITH UR PATHETIC LIES!


  7. stop being mean to alishak she hasn't done anything wrong and +her name isn't alisha or alishit btw

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. *cough* Excuse me? I have proof in fact i'm taking screen shots right now off your nasty acts, deny it all you wan't but the proof is right here! xD
